The Ecology of the Mid
An interview with Sebastian Big about the meaning of "an organic tactics of a bio-bourgeois poetics."
Iulia Militaru is Chief Editor of frACTalia Press and the Editor in Chief of InterRe:ACT magazine. After a few children’s books and her study "Metaphoric, Metonimic: A Typology of Poetry", her first poetry collection came out in 2010, "Marea Pipeadă" ("The Great Pipe Epic"), receving two major awards. "Dramadoll", co-authored with Anca Bucur and Cristina Florentina Budar, is part of wider inter-art-and-author (poetry/graphic art/video/sound) project; a part of this video project (Images of the day number 8, directed by Cristina Florentina Budar) was selected in Gesamt 2012 (DISASTER 501 What happened to man?), a project coordinated by Lars von Trier and directed by Jenle Hallund. Her collection of experimental poetry "Confiscarea bestiei. O postcercetare" ("The Seizure of the Beast. A Post-research") was launched at frACTalia Press, in 2016. She published poems and digital collages in MAINTENANT, A Journal of Contemporary Dada Writing and Art (#9 #10 #11). Exihibition: ”The Path. Filling-in Abstract Forms: Overwriting Barnett Newman”2016, in Iowa City, at Public Space One. In 2016, she was invited to The Third Annual Brussels Poetry Fest. out the column of Iulia Militaru - Zoopoiesis, or, the Ecology of Literature as the Re/positioning of the Outerhuman
An interview with Sebastian Big about the meaning of "an organic tactics of a bio-bourgeois poetics."