Expanded Space: Call for Projects

Volum Art Association launches a new call for projects for the program Expanded Space, with the theme The Grey Area. The call is open throughout the period June 14 – July 17, 2016.

This year’s theme aims to question the methods of separating the public space from the private one, at the level of both physical space and discourse; to explore the limiting of gestures, actions and conversations in the public space; to inquire the process of establishing and legitimizing the frames of public interventions, as well as the extent to which these allow the participation of different groups and individuals. The theme intends to provoke a series of acute responses to the specificity of Romanian public space, which is now in a moment of tension and formation.

The artists are invited to propose temporary site-specific works: sculptures, installations, object-sculptures, performance. The space designated for the setup of the object or for the course of the intervention is to be chosen by the artist and should be motivated in the application. The proposed projects should answer to the theme The grey area, should be executed specifically for Expanded Space and this should be the first time they are publicly presented (they should not have been previously presented in the context of another project, exhibition, event, etc.).

The following artists are invited to participate in the project: Mihai Balko, Elana Katz and Hans van Houwelingen.

The organisers will cover the production of the works within the limit of the overall budget, without the cost of one work exceeding the sum of 7000 lei gross.


For the application please send:

1. Application form (which can be downloaded here);

2. The presentation of the project/s proposed (an artist can present up to three projects) which should contain:

a) the description of the project (description, technical details and the requested budget);

b) photo montage;

c) the concept (which should imply its link to the proposed theme);

3. CV, artist statement, photo of the artist;

4. Portfolio (5 representative artworks from the last 5 years)


The proposals should be sent to: spatiu.expandat@gmail.com


Expanded Space is a public art program which brings the public space to life through temporary interventions that includes a whole range of artistic practices, from sculpture or installation to performance. Grounded in the conviction that art is not only made public by its location, that its public dimension bears social and political connotations and rests on the choice of issues it investigates or debates, the program encourages the development of a new vision of Romanian public art, becoming a platform for critical thinking and dialogue.

Organiser: Volum Art Association

Team: Judit Balko, project manager; Mihai Balko, coordinator; Cristina Bogdan, curator

Project financed by Centrul de Proiecte Culturale al Municipiului Bucureşti ARCUB, through the project București the In-visibile City and by Administrația Fondului Cultural Național

Partners: Studio BASAR, MNAC, ODD, Radio Guerrilla

Media partners: Zeppelin, VeiozaArte, ArtClue, Modernism, WebCultura, Revista ARTA, Vernisaje


The project doesn’t necessarily represent the position of Administrația Fondului Cultural Național. AFCN in not responsible of the content of the project or the manner in which the results of the project can be used. These are the full responsibility of the recipient of the funding.

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