The world belongs to those who set it on fire
Mircea Cantor’s most recent solo exhibition, occupying two floors in the new Dvir gallery space, looks into Israeli identity brands.
Mircea Cantor’s most recent solo exhibition, occupying two floors in the new Dvir gallery space, looks into Israeli identity brands.
About Mădălina Zaharia's show in Letiția Călin's overcrowded South London gallery flat.
An interview with Nicolea Comănescu about his personal show I can see no revolution at Petra Nostheide-Eÿcke gallery in Düsseldorf.
Gabriel Stoian at Lateral Art Space in Cluj.
Viviana Drugă’s work functions at the intersection of art and magic, and is fully subsumed to the logic of performance, in regard to the artistic persona and the art produced.
The Group of Czech and Slovakian Surrealists truly gives another air to the discussions about the historical avant-garde.
This exhibition is part of a big festivity dedicated to the artist in Romania, entitled Paul Neagu. The (r)evolution of the form.
The exhibition is a curatorial project that brings together artworks that are relevant for the Romanian experimental sculpture scene from recent years.
Vlad Țenu, the renowned Romanian architect, discusses the latest exhibition of design and architecture he curated in Shanghai.
Pink anatomies sprawled over luxurious decors that are intensely, psychedelically colored, have become emblematic elements for Suzana Dan’s paintings and for the painting transgression of the 2000’s.