The Geopoetics of Feral Streets
What is most significant for Andreea and Mălina is the unique moment when forms of both past and present overlap and generate a map of common experiences which have gone unnoticed.
What is most significant for Andreea and Mălina is the unique moment when forms of both past and present overlap and generate a map of common experiences which have gone unnoticed.
In recent years, the art-technology duo has become so commonplace that its mere display as a novelty is no longer appealing, not even in the Romanian context which seems to always drag behind.
On an infinitely smaller scale, history was repeating itself.
Interviu with sound artist Simina Oprescu
Can the canon of the Romanian nonfictional cinema, born out of the flawed history of documentary cinema, be revised and negotiated?
A critical view on the exhibition Alzheimer and working with memory.
“I found the concept of the conversation liberating” Iris Ordean and Espen Johansen in conversation with Georgia Țidorescu.
A curatorial discourse that challenges the way in which the history of postwar Romanian art is written and perceived with already established notions.
An interview with artist Victor Ciobanu from The Republic of Moldova
ki is among the first projects to reveal the hybrid territory that is nowadays shared by the visual arts, sound art, and the performing arts.