

October 27, 2016

Contemporary Vienna

The capital of Austria comes to life at the beginning of fall with two simultaneous events dedicated to contemporary art, the Parallel Vienna show and the viennacontemporary international art fair.

— Andreea Grecu

October 19, 2016

Perspectivism – The elusive White Horse

Hate is a very loose and general term, a feeling so familiar yet so unassumed. We hate to hate, we’d hate to be characterized as hateful, yet this is exactly what we are, and that’s OK.

— Marina Oprea

October 8, 2016

NAG#10 in Cluj

The exhibitions opened for The White Night of the Galleries had a stake in inscribing the artistic scene of Cluj into the practice of this type of nocturnal cultural marathon.

— Ada Muntean

September 30, 2016


— George Roșu

September 28, 2016

Historical prospections

About an exhibition that concludes the residency project of three artists and which compiles the items they gathered in their exploration of Romanian urban spaces and historical materials.

— Rareș Grozea