Pizza Boy
Is the game a contemporary artistic medium?
Is the game a contemporary artistic medium?
An investigation of Timișoara's vibrant artist-run scene, highlighting its importance and challenges in the wider cultural context.
A breakdown of the controversial photographer's career.
Reviving the memory of a marginalized and disregarded, but extraordinary, artist who should be considered as one of the greatest and most gifted Romanian avant-gardists of her time.
Reflecting and refracting on the great Sanda Agalides.
Beuys proposed a very broad interpretation of art that went beyond the artistic tradition of his time, an interpretation with which he surprised his contemporaries.
A broad discussion on the local artist-run spaces with Dan Perjovschi and Mălina Ionescu.
Mentoring und Aktion was an education and creation project inspired by Joseph Beuys
The problematization of ideas around the archive, memory, and manipulation through images in Serving Art 1, by the subREAL group.
It is important to construct narratives and interpretations for these histories, which are not just dull objective events, but subjective experiences, times in the lives of people like us.