“Paintings don’t need an additional element to work”
An interview with artist Răzvan Boar on elastic images, elemental cartoons and discarded sketchbooks.
An interview with artist Răzvan Boar on elastic images, elemental cartoons and discarded sketchbooks.
On that core formed in the 90s around the Periferic Biennial and the Vector Association on account of a mutual critical practice and attitude.
The exhibition "Muscle B(r)each" at Suprainfinit Gallery is a special kind of all inclusive Californian Wunderkammer.
Using performance art, Lala Mișosniky tries to personify a house she is emotionally attached to.
Browsing through the books exhibited by Tatiana Fiodorova under the title “When a book becomes a message” at the Czech Center in Bucharest as part of the project Future Museum.
"I am the invisible man" at MNAC sets out to carry on the human/non-human tension which was at stake in the first part of the project “The white dot and the black cube”.
Little liner drawings and maths homework, shopping lists when you are shopping within yourself. Instead of a skull dramatically planted in the middle of the room, one wooden plank stands 154 cm high.
Mădălina Dan for SODA Final Presentations.
About the art show "Equal. Art and Feminism in Modern Romania" and the attack on the spaces of canonical art.
When you search Google for "inner peace", the first result is goodreads, and the first of the 393 quotes tagged with inner peace is: “Nobody can hurt me without my permission.” ― Mahatma Gandhi