All Certainties Start to Waver
The execution of Nicolae and Elena Ceaușescu on December 25th, 1989 remains a topic of contradictory discussion. Artist Anton Roland Laub visited the sites of the events for a work on memory culture.
The execution of Nicolae and Elena Ceaușescu on December 25th, 1989 remains a topic of contradictory discussion. Artist Anton Roland Laub visited the sites of the events for a work on memory culture.
The challenge of Wark's book is: can you imagine a mode of production that would move beyond one’s own version of critical theory?
Only by taking on literary history will we be able to speak of Romanian literature as a world literature.
Metaphor. Protest. Concept. Performing art in Romania and Moldova is a unique publication entirely consisting of interviews with local artists that have worked predominantly in the performative area.
Mămăligă de Varșovia (“Warsaw Bitter Maize Porridge” – on their second issue) does not exist solely on paper, but is the product a socially engaged and culturally active collective.
Roman Tolici is less interested in non-figurative forms; he does not wish to show the viewer something unparalleled because he thinks that the world's existing representations still speak out.
The Xenofeminist Manifesto by Laboria Cuboniks.
A review of "the first comprehensive presentation of subREAL's work."
Pepluspatru recently published an important book for those who are interested in the evolution of the Romanian transcultural modernism and the urban and architectural history of Romanian tourism.