Sub-styles: DIY Art Spaces, Interdisciplinarity and Hybrids
In Romania’s 2000s, poor fusions and assimilation between sources, tendencies, ideas and incompatible formulas have developed the ability to function as a hybrid.
In September 2015, Berlin Art Link editor Alison Hugill visited Bucharest and spent the week hopping from one opening to the other, as September is one of our busy months for contemporary art events. She reviewed the show which was on at Ivan Gallery and decided with Revista ARTA editor Cristina Bogdan to organize a collaboration for the coming months. They would pick 3 themes relevant for the artworld of both Berlin and Bucharest and commission 3 writers each to produce essays on these themes. The texts were published in both magazines.
In Romania’s 2000s, poor fusions and assimilation between sources, tendencies, ideas and incompatible formulas have developed the ability to function as a hybrid.
This text discusses the Romanian music scene, focusing on its extreme manifestations within the experimental trend, be it acoustic, electroacoustic or purely electronica.
Queer time, especially in the (non)spaces of theater and performance, or in queer spaces such as clubs and the BDSM scene, has the potential to generate a new way of exchanging knowledge.
“The queen of the arts” entered the 21st century unchanged, with its same old obsolete poetics, its dusty narratives and a sick addiction to the past.
Berlin is home to to an experimental cutting edge arts scene, and is an important international stage for the emergence of new practices. Where does painting fit into this terrain?