
August 29, 2019

Pressure / Sensibility

How young artists Anca Zaharov, Robert Băjenaru and Cristian Emil Ghiță approached materials for their graduation projects.

— Maria Anghel

August 22, 2019

Intelligent Painting

Smile Project by Cristina Lazăr, young graduate of the Painting section of UNArte, proposes the use of deep convolutional neural networks in an innovative way.

— Tea Vindt

August 9, 2019

Queering the East

The text looks at the construction of a queer discourse in the west, with and about the East, focusing on the practice of Queer Archive Institute.

— Valentina Iancu

June 17, 2019

Performing Gitanidad (Romaniness) on Stage

Theatre, as the “newspaper of the poor,” and dance, as an expressive form often prone to exoticization, became vehicles of performance for the Spanish Gitano identity.

— Miguel Ángel Vargas