
February 15, 2016

Peace in Nature after the Upgrade

When you search Google for "inner peace", the first result is goodreads, and the first of the 393 quotes tagged with inner peace is: “Nobody can hurt me without my permission.” ― Mahatma Gandhi

— Simona Dumitriu

February 12, 2016


— George Roșu

February 9, 2016

No One Speaks

A text by Alina Popa, speaking about speaking as no one and subjectivity's extinction as conceptual strategies, deviating from the "Xenofeminist Manifesto" by Laboria Cuboniks. No one speaks.

— Alina Popa

February 3, 2016

Critical Nature

Revista ARTA launches a critical writing workshop for our young contributors.

— Redacția Revista ARTA