A well-furnished room
About Mădălina Zaharia's show in Letiția Călin's overcrowded South London gallery flat.
About Mădălina Zaharia's show in Letiția Călin's overcrowded South London gallery flat.
An interview with Nicolea Comănescu about his personal show I can see no revolution at Petra Nostheide-Eÿcke gallery in Düsseldorf.
Gabriel Stoian at Lateral Art Space in Cluj.
The new permanent exhibition which opened at the Pompidou Center in Paris in July 2014 is a way of revisiting all of the museum’s recent collections.
Viviana Drugă’s work functions at the intersection of art and magic, and is fully subsumed to the logic of performance, in regard to the artistic persona and the art produced.
Interview with Andreiana Mihail.
Jonathan Lahey Dronsfield, a British philosophy professor and self-ascribed artist-philosopher was invited to Bucharest between mid-December 2014 – mid-January 2015 as artist in residence at ODD.
The Group of Czech and Slovakian Surrealists truly gives another air to the discussions about the historical avant-garde.
Paul Dunca’s The Institute of Change cleverly exploits our fascination with physiological and psychological alteration.
Interview with Mihaela Drăgan and Cornelia Ioniță about the play LA HARNEALĂ.