Critical Nature II
The workshop organized by the magazine is an invitation to young people from the Republic of Moldova who would like to try their hand at art criticism.
The workshop organized by the magazine is an invitation to young people from the Republic of Moldova who would like to try their hand at art criticism.
Nona Inescu’s solo show at EXILE gallery in Berlin is not her first attempt at communing with the inhuman.
An Interview with Kaja Renkas, Polish artist and designer showing at UNAgaleria in Bucharest.
Prague has always had quite the buoyant experimental scene, with several people running DIY shows and even a gallery dedicated to sound-based media.
On the strategies and themes in the works of artistic duo Anca Benera and Arnold Estefán.
Our Czech resident writes about the contemporary art biennial in Timișoara.
We could learn a thing or two from the MeetFactory’s impeccable structure.
An interview with Laura Hunt, musician and visual artist, following her performance Exit Promises at CNDB during the News from Polska Festival.
A take on the Bucharest-based performance festival that is created and held in domestic spaces.
An interview about the apocalypse & mankind’s posthuman future with Vasile Mihalache, co-founder and translator of Post/h/um. Journal of (Post)humanist Studies.