Words in a Room
If you were to make art you would have to pretend you are not referencing Duchamp while you are in fact referencing the fact that you are not referencing Duchamp.
If you were to make art you would have to pretend you are not referencing Duchamp while you are in fact referencing the fact that you are not referencing Duchamp.
Questions for Ileana Selejan, Wellesley College, Massachusetts.
Questions for Dana Altman, NYC.
Questions for Ileana Pintilie, art historian based in Timişoara.
Questions for Mica Gherghescu, art historian based in Paris.
A personal take on a busy year.
On the brave, clean and minimal presentation - matching that of any hip gallery in NY, Paris, London or Berlin - of the show at Plan B gallery.
New model for an art-business partnership, proposed by a group of painters from Timișoara.
During the second half of January, the Center for Visual Arts hosted the second edition of The National Painting Salon awards exhibition under the patronage of the Romanian Artists' Union.
Mircea Cantor’s most recent solo exhibition, occupying two floors in the new Dvir gallery space, looks into Israeli identity brands.