
December 25, 2020

All Certainties Start to Waver

The execution of Nicolae and Elena Ceaușescu on December 25th, 1989 remains a topic of contradictory discussion. Artist Anton Roland Laub visited the sites of the events for a work on memory culture.

— Christina Tilmann

November 25, 2020

Manifesto for Empathy

Perceiving the illness with kindness, tenderness, and empathy, outside of the normal/pathologic binary that structures the thought around this topic, invites the viewer to reflect.

— Valentina Iancu

November 18, 2020


An interview with Antje Ehmann, Harun Farocki's partner in life and work.

— Călin Boto

November 4, 2020

A Generator of Alternative Narratives

This project, like many other socially oriented and investigative art projects from the last decade, is revealing for the Romanian people’s relation to its past.

— Marina Oprea