Tag Archive: curator

March 29, 2018

CURATORS #5 Judit Angel

Judit Angel's career began in the 1980s at the Art Museum in Arad and continued for an extended period at Műcsarnok / Kunsthalle; she is now the director at tranzit.sk/Bratislava.

— Ada Muntean

February 22, 2018

New Now

Interview with Gabriel Stoian, artist and curator at the artist-run space New Now in Frankfurt.

— Ada Muntean

April 24, 2017

CURATORS #3 Raluca Voinea

Nunnery, the Perjovschi, curating at the Royal College of Art, Public Space in Bucharest, e-cart, tranzit, safe space, shared resources, the (im)possibility of mediation.

— Cristina Bogdan